What's your favorite Lake Michigan Beach Town? We told you we would make a case for each of our beachtowns as to why they are our favorite Lake Michigan Beach Town. But we are just one family so we need to know, “What’s your Favorite”. As a family we can’t agree on just one. This is probably the same with your family if you have stayed in more than one of these resort towns.
The most likely criteria are; beaches, shopping, nightlife, restaurants, lodging, and culture. But you may have your own reason as to which is your favorite. So just stay in a South Haven rental, Saugatuck Rental, Holland Rental, or Grand Haven Rental and check out each town. Wherever you stay the others are just down the road.
Then make sure you let us know. If you want to go beyond the poll, you can e-mail us at admin@lakemichiganbeachtowns.com. We will even throw some of your quotes on the pages for each beach town.
You can only vote once (so as to keep out the fast fingers of all of you American Idol fans) and to get an accurate view of what our visitors think.
Please vote and tell your friends and family to vote (you must vote from different computers). C’mon let us know “What’s your Favorite”.
Thanks for voting! Your friends at LakeMichiganBeachTowns.com!!